If you are interested in finding a suitable home for yourself/ loved one please contact the manager on 029 20 408010 or use the contact us page. We would be happy to send you a brochure, answer any questions you may have and invite you to view the home and meet staff and residents in the first instance. We understand that making an important decision like finding a care home can be a daunting time and we endeavour to be as helpful as possible.
If you require more information about our facilities and services, please contact the manager. We will be happy to discuss your client’s needs and to facilitate a viewing as well as forward our brief document HS1 Assessment and admissions procedure. Our contracts officer will be happy to liaise and assist with funding arrangements and procedures.
If you would like to arrange a no pressure viewing/ spend the afternoon with us to get a feel for the Home please contact the manager. We are sure you will enjoy the relaxed friendly atmosphere and at least enjoy a cup of tea and slice of cake!